Tasmina Maysha
Jan 2, 2023
Bangladesh being a disaster-prone country is news as old as times. However, the recent increase in frequency of cyclones, flash floods, and monsoons are a reason for heavy concern.
Climate Change and Displacement
Climate change has many destructive effects. One of many is displacement. How are displacement and climate change related? Well, climate change increases the chances of natural disasters which could lead to many peoples homes being ruined. Which means people are displaced from their homes. Statista reports that natural disasters alone have displaced 23.7 million people in 2021. In 2010 it was reported that 42.4 million people were displaced. Statistics show that from 2008 to 2021 AT LEAST 15 million people are displaced. In the past few years the number of people being displaced has increased drastically. In 2020, 30.7 million people were displaced. The last time over 30 million people were displaced was in 2012.
How Climate Displacement is affecting Bangladesh
Bangladesh is not unfamiliar with natural disasters. Things like flooding happen very often. In June of 2022 Bangladesh was hit with catastrophic floods starting from May of 2022 to mid-June. UNICEF reports that around 7.2 million people were affected due to these floods. Of the 7.2 million people affected were 3.5 million children. UNICEF also reports that in late July of 2022, 1,590 (this includes 636 children) people were left displaced due to the floods. Climate Refugee´s reports that due to these floods 500,000 people were displaced from their homes. Along with this it was reported that in 2019 around 4.1 million people were displaced due to climate disasters in Bangladesh. Climate Refugee also reports that studies show that by 2050 1 in 7 people may be displaced. NASA also reported that nearly 70 million people are living in flood prone areas. This means that even more are at risk of being displaced.
Why is displacement important
Displacement can ruin many people's lives and harm them in many different ways. World Bank has reported that due to displacement many suffer from trauma, are unable to plan their future and women become at risk of gender based violence. This is excluding how people may be separated from families, lose their home and also lose cherished belongings. Displacement also affects host communities. World Bank mentions that those who are displaced often move into developing countries or poor areas. These areas are already struggling to provide for those who are already there. Host communities will find it very difficult to accommodate the sudden large influx of refugees. UNICEF also mentioned that those who do return to their damaged homes are in need of humanitarian assistance. IDMC also reports that due to displacement, people may not be able to continue their work. This could lead to underemployment which would harm the economy.
How you can help
There are many ways to help those who have been displaced. You can donate to those in need. Donating money or simply resources like clothes would be of help. If donating isn't a viable option then simply advocating is more than enough. Spreading awareness may prompt someone else to donate. You can also start fundraisers for others to donate to and if you are able to you can sponsor certain people who have been displaced.